Week 13 - Reading Part A

Robin Hood
(Image taken from Davis Arts Council)

Robin Hood is a character that has been portrayed in many different lights throughout history. When I was growing up I learned most of the story from the animated Disney classic, but now that film's memory fails me. Whether it was from a movie or storybook alike, Robin Hood has become a name synonymous with charity and anti-establishment movements.

I'm going to be honest, a lot of the reading was difficult for me to understand. The old English did not translate well for me and I looked up some translations on the side! Robin Hood honestly is a character that is misunderstood by a lot of people. He isn't necessarily a true hero as much as he is an anti-hero. He has a large amount of pride and feeling to prove himself that surpasses his selfless values. I also had completely forgotten the existence of Little John, who despite the name is a giant! I am very interested in reading part two of the stories.

Bibliography: The English and Scottish Popular Ballads by Francis James Child can be accessed at MythFolklore Blog.


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