Week 11 Reading - Part A

(Image taken from Mythfolklore blog)

These stories are very important because they contain many origin stories in them. We can see this used to instruct children on how their world is formed and how it operates. With this knowledge we can deeper dive into the perspective of the peoples who believed the stories. They lived in a mystical world where nature was a personified being that could challenge the human individually, that is why it was important for every man, woman, and child to exemplify characteristics that did not warrant challenging. I believe the view of animals having intelligence and wisdom really shapes the dynamic of the Native American treatment towards nature. We see that they are more cautious with killing animals and more respectful in using them. These stories are important because they allow us to see the world in the eyes of the Native American people.

Bibliography: Tales of the North American Indians is a collection of stories translated by Stith Thompson and can be found at MythFolklore Blog.


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